Last year Santa forgot his bag. We left it out this year and he filled it again;)

We had a very good christmas this year. The boys were very spoiled. But it was fun.

We only made it to my families this year. I wasn't really going anywhere unless I could go in my Pajamas I know lazy. So we did go to my mom and dads for a little while and got the opportunity to see everyone in my family. We missed Craigs family but next year will be better. We still had a great christmas this year.

Yesterday Jumba became a victim of his own stupidity. Unfortunately I don't know that dogs really learn any lessons so hopefully it won't happen again. He hates and I mean absolutely hates other animals. Doesn't matter what kind they are birds, mice, cats or dogs he hates them all equally. He also likes to dig holes in the yard over on the side where the swimming pool is. When the snow falls though he can't always see the holes that he has dug. Yesterday some animal tried to enter the yard causing him to go crazy (for those of you who have seen it you know what I am talking about) and in his frenzy to defend the neighborhood he fell in a hole that was disquised by snow.

Our vet was closed for the holidays and it took four different vets before we found one that could fit him in or was opened. Then he got to spend the afternoon getting poked and prodded. He had a very exciting afternoon. He got to ride in on a pet stretcher and it took three people holding him down to get him knocked out for his xrays. He did put up a big fight they ended up using twice as much medicine as they thought that it would take to knock him out and he fought and was strong right till the bitter end. So now one exciting afternoon later 500 dollars less in the bank we are hiding medicine in his food for 5 weeks and hoping that this goes away.

Oh and Jumba also got to come home with a band aid on which Jacob just loves. Something about the dog wearing a band aid just like him. He follows him around the house and covers him with an old blanket as soon as he lays down. At first he tried to move out from under it everytime he covered him but eventually I think that he realized that it wasn't going to stop so he might as well just accept it. He was having a hard time moving yesterday but is much better today. He is still not up to his old self but much better then last night. Last night he was sitting funny and could hardly get up and down the stairs today he seems to be able to sit normally again and can do stairs. He still takes a rest but is getting better.