Notice her cute Tinkerbell PJ's I was waiting for her to get dressed so I could steal them but she was on to me (I wasn't the only one that wanted them either) and she wouldn't change out of them.
The week of thanksgiving we rearranged the basement so that we could get the Christmas tree up. We completely moved everything around. This is the rearrangement before the tree.

Then the day after thanksgiving we got the tree up and decorated. We only put up the one tree this year. Just the one for the family room, usually this is all disney ornaments but since we aren't doing the other upstairs I did leave some of the disney off so that we could put some of our favorite non disney ornaments on. It was still hard to decide which ones to use and which to leave off.

Of course there was no question as to which topper had to be used. It isn't Christmas till Tink is on the top of one of our trees. This topper was bought the first trip that we took to Disneyworld. To celebrate our first anniversary. We have been back several times since but that was the only trip for just the two of us with no kids;)

Hope that everyone is having a great holiday season.