Sunday, December 30, 2012


Well christmas finally arrived and then before we knew it not only was it over but it has been over for almost a week.  Hope that all of you out in cyberland had a great christmas as we did.  Here they are coming in with their new christmas eve pj's on.  Yes they match this year haha.
From Santa.

And the other I heard a commercial on tv this year that said save a big gift for the end like they do with the red ryder bb gun on Christmas story.  So we did that with the boys.  That was the first thing they said you got this off of tv.  Yes and in some ways it worked, some it didn't. 

We hope that everyone had a great christmas and got the chance to spend their holidays with the important people in their lives.  We are thankful for family, friends and all those who touch our lives everyday.  We are also grateful for the reason for the season Jesus, and all that he did for us.  Merry Christmas.   

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Almost Christmas!

December started off with a bang for us.  Jacob spent the first half of it struggling with his asthma but after Dr's visits, steroids and breathing treatments he is on the mend.  He has even been back to school for over a week now.  We are so grateful for modern medicine. 
Zach's Christmas concert was last night while we enjoy all of his concerts this is our favorite.  He didn't play any drums last night but got plenty of opportunity to move around on the other instruments.  Jacob is still a little tired so as soon as they turned the lights out he was out and slept through the entire thing even the jazz band.

Hope that everyone is having a great Christmas season.
Merry Christmas from us.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Yes, I know that it is a little late but I hope that everyone had a great thanksgiving.  We did and thanks again to Aunt Kathie, Grandma and Grandpa for the great thanksgiving dinner.  This year we had the opportunity to eat  dinner at the Cracker Barrel one of our favorite restaurants.  The first time for thanksgiving dinner though and it was soooo good.  Especially the stuffing I think it is now my favorite recipe although my dads is still a close second.  I have to confess I spent some time yesterday morning scouring the internet hoping to find a copy cat recipe to try but sadly I could never find one.  Oh well.  I did get the chance to make my dad's for the first time yesterday and was told by all that partook that it was very good.  Well all but one, Jacob leaned over and whispered in my ear (loud enough for everyone at the table to hear) "mom I didn't like your stuffing".  Everyone else liked it though and I was very happy with the way it turned out. 
After dinner the kids decorated christmas tree cookies.
I have to give a special thanks here to Zach for not only not covering his face in the picture but for smiling for the camera as well.  We all had fun and the kids trees turned out very cute although they were probably all 2 - 3 pounds heavier with all the sprinkles that were dumped (not sprinkled) onto the trees.  Guess it is time to head back out to the sprinkle store.
Happy Thanksgiving weekend everyone.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween parade

I almost forgot to post the pictures from the halloween parade this year. 
Here they are.
Isn't this frankenstein great he is the brother of Jacob's teacher Mr. Evans.  Some of you might recognize him (without the costume a little better) he is a famous local author.  He came out and wandered around before the parade started.  Isn't his costume great?

Of course this was my favorite little person walking through the parade.  He went as the doctor again this year.  Doctor Who you ask? 


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween time.  We love it and this year we had a few things that we didn't get out but the majority of it we did.  And our family spokesperson posed for all of the pictures.

This picture was taken on halloween with Jacob in costume he wanted to go as the doctor this year.

Our ghost kept blowing partially up on the roof so we ended up taking it down.

But we put the eyes back up they are kind of hard to see in this picture though.

Here is Craig wearing his silence shirt with Jacob and his sonic screwdriver.

Happy halloween everyone!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Percussion concert

Zach had his first percussion concert of the year earlier this week.  They did a great job and we really enjoyed it.  It was a little shorter then the concerts last year, now they just play with the Jazz band instead of the the band and the orchestra.  This allowed each group to have more play time and we still made it home earlier. 

He also got the opportunity to move around and play three different instruments although I didn't get a picture of him on the drums since his teacher was blocking him from my view.  Maybe next time his teacher would consider sitting to conduct, I wonder? 

We are looking forward to the next concert.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Fishfingers and Custard

In celebration of the first episode of the new season of Dr Who we ate his favorite food for dinner saturday night before watching the season premiere.  Yes that is custard in the dish and yes we all tried dipping for one bite.  We invited Grandma and Grandpa to stay for dinner but I think it was the combo that scared them off but it wasn't as horrible as it sounds at least for one bite.  Another benifit was this was the easiest meal I have ever prepared, but we did throw in a couple of extra things that weren't on the Doctors list.
As you can see bow ties were required.  I didn't think about fezzes till dinner was almost ready so they weren't required this year.   

Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Home from Vegas

Craig is coming home tomorrow from the tradeshow in Vegas and we can hardly wait.  It has been a long trip hopefully it hasn't been as hard on us as it has on him.  I guess his age is finally starting to catch up with him.  Just kidding we love and miss you can't wait to see you tomorrow.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A trip to the alpine slide

This year for our annual trip to the Alpine slide we decided to make it an overnight trip.  We started out with a trip to cascade falls then a stop at Jordanelle for a picnic lunch and a trip the park city farmers market.  We then spent the night and got up for a full day at the alpine slide instead of just one ticket.  This first picture was one of very few that I got with Zach's face actually in the picture, as you can see he was thrilled to be photographed.  Of course for the next one he jumped behind Jacob at the last minute.  He is much faster then my camera.

These are up at cascade springs.

Jacob still loves to have his picture taken.  In fact I had him mad if I took a picture without him in it and Zach mad if I got one with him. 

We took the gondola's up the mountain at the farmers market and Zach let me take his picture in this seat.

Jacob lost his tooth at the hotel that night and the tooth fairy was still able to find us.

This is heading up the hill on the rollercoaster there after the ride the kids pointed out the signs to me that were actually all over the place stating that you couldn't take any pictures or video while on the ride.  Oops.

The first trip Jacob rode with me he didn't want to go alone the first time but you can see
Craig in the car in front of us and then the car in front of him is Zach.  Well I guess you can't technically see them but it was them.

The alpine slide Zach and I came down at the same time or him in front of me every time I know that this was to ensure I couldn't get a picture of him on it. 

Jacob was the slow poke this time.

Waiting for our lunch at the little burger joint up there but I don't remember the name of it.

Still not quick enough.