Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Craig has been in New Mexico again this week. Monday we had Aunt Beth and Aunt Sam and her kids over for a swim and a picnic. Lots of fun. The kids had a tons of fun. We actually lasted for about two and a half hours. It has been getting warmer around here so we are spending more and more time in the pool. We had a lot of fun with Paige and Jakson though. Gage is at grandmas house for his week with her. We miss Craig but he will be home later today so he will have to see this post once he gets home. We love you Daddy.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Not much happening here. We spent the afternoon in the pool with a couple of friends. Then the kids sat and watched an episode of Dinasours. Aunt Beth gave them season 3 and 4 for their birthdays. Thanks Aunt Beth they love it. Craig is in Minnesota tonight and tomorrow. Here is a picture of the boys for you and yes the living room is a mess. Games and toys all over. After all when the cat is a away the mice will play. haha. We love you.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We went to the new Rio Tinto stadium last night for Kennecott night. It was a lot of fun and the stadium is really nice. After dinner we put a blanket out on the soccer field and the kids got to watch Bolt on the big screen. I think that they did more running around then watching. It was a lot of fun though. Thanks again to our friend Julie and Wade who invited us to go along we had a great time;)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ok Zach and I were out on a walk in the neighborhood this morning and found this laying on a neighbors driveway. Look at the size of this thing.

Lucky for me my wonderful friend and neighbor Kathy gave me a paper cup to put it in so I could bring it home. I was still paranoid the whole time that it would wake up it is a little freaky looking. I know it is dead but it is just so big. Never seen one this size up close and personal that isn't on display somewhere.

Sorry the pictures aren't the greatest I couldn't use my flash or there was a bad glare. It has now been safely added to the bug carrier so that Jacob and Craig can see it when they get home. We love and miss both of you.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I found this fun project on one of the blogs that I frequent. So we made them this morning. We had to run to the store for fruit by the foot and I am not sure why I thought that we needed red. Putting them together I realized that sushi is usually wrapped in seaweed which is green. DUH! Don't know what I was thinking but the kids do prefer the red fruit by the foot so that is normally what we buy so I am blaming it on that and a very short lasted moment of dumbness;) Afterall normally I am sooo brilliant. Anyway I think that these are really cute even though they are wrapped in red. They do still looke like seafood kindof. Next time we will use the right color but I did want to post them cause they were fun.

Recipe faux sushi:
Rice crispy treats
Fruit by the foot
Licorice or Gummy worms (for centers we used licorice)

We also dipped shortbread cookies in chocolate yesterday we have some friends that they had been promised to. They are all set so we will be dropping them off in the next day or so. Hope everyone is having a great summer.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Swimming this afternoon. Uncle Mike brought Gage and Jackson over and we had a pool full of something. It was a lot of fun till someone got splashed then it was a lot of crying. About the time you get them laughing again the splashing starts back up and then another one is exercising there lungs and abusing our ears. But it was still fun. Funny how fun changes once there are kids involved;)

We dropped Jacob off at grandmas house this morning it is his week to spend over there. He was very excited to go he did come back for the swim it seems he is very concerned that Zach will swim in the pool without him this week. Just me and Zach roming around the house this week. Zach is excited to have the place basically to himself. He also doesn't have to share his wii time now. We are still missing you dad and hope that you are having a good trip. We also hope that papa is having a fun time in San Diego this week.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

We got the pool set up this week Jacob could hardly wait for his first swim in it. Our first swim was before we picked Zach up from grandma and grandpas on fri afternoon that is why there are no pictures of him. We will add some more later. Zach had a lot of fun at his grandparents this week and Jacob is glad to have him home again.

We took Craig to the airport this morning he is on his way to New Mexico we will miss him. And I think that we will spend a lot of time in the pool while he is gone, especially if I leave it up to the boys. We love and miss you dad have a safe trip. Try to stay cool we will.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

We are getting the pool ready a little late this summer because of all of the rain. But better late then never right? Jacob enjoyed helping daddy get the frame up this morning and now we just have to wait all day while it fills up. He was a little dissapointed that it takes so long to get ready, but we will all enjoy it when it is.

Grandma and Grandpa decided that they want each of the grandkids to spend a week with them all by themselves this summer. This week is Zach's week. I think Jacob is having withdrawls actually I know that he is. He has already talked with him on the phone several times and thinks that mommy should be his new wii buddy. And mommy really doesn't like playing the wii games mario kart is the only one I will play and that gets old after a couple of races. But he is surviving and it gives them a chance to appreciate each other I think.

We are still enjoying summer break and hope that everyone else is to. Thanks for looking.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

We hope that everybody had a great Fourth celebration yesterday and was able to spend some time with the people that are important in their lives. We went to grandma and grandpas for a barbeque and fireworks. After dinner the kids made dream catchers. Here are Jacob and Gage beading theirs.

Here are two of the finished ones. Jackson's and Jacob's they were the only two that would pose for pictures once we were done.

We learned how to make them on demand but also learned a lot from the hands on experience like next time we need much thicker wire. The kids were happy with the way that they turned out and Jacob was happy to report this morning that his worked for him. After making dream catchers Zach, Jacob and Jackson cleaned up.

I took a second picture since it doesn't happen very often and especially three at once. Now I have back up proof in case the original gets deleted;)

We had tons of fun lighting fireworks and hope that the rest of you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did. Hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

These are pictures that we took over the weekend at Taylorsville days. We went hung out with some friends had some laughs and watched the fireworks. These pictures were taken of the one skydiver that jumped from the plane.

And this last one is of him landing. It was pretty cool.

Craig has been out of town all week on business and we miss him. But the boys and I have been having fun. Yesterday we went and saw Ice Age and everybody really enjoyed it. The theatre we were supposed to see it in ended up having a problem with the projector and they sent us to another theatre to see it and gave us tickets to come back for a free movie for our trouble. The kid thought that this was pretty cool. I was kind of surprised at some of the mean people that were throwing fits in the theatre. Life happens after all and we were all there in a nice cool building with people that we love what more can you really ask for at the end of the day. Oh wait a free movie and we got that out of it to=) Hope everyone is doing well and we love and miss you daddy.