These are pictures that we took over the weekend at Taylorsville days. We went hung out with some friends had some laughs and watched the fireworks. These pictures were taken of the one skydiver that jumped from the plane.

And this last one is of him landing. It was pretty cool.

Craig has been out of town all week on business and we miss him. But the boys and I have been having fun. Yesterday we went and saw Ice Age and everybody really enjoyed it. The theatre we were supposed to see it in ended up having a problem with the projector and they sent us to another theatre to see it and gave us tickets to come back for a free movie for our trouble. The kid thought that this was pretty cool. I was kind of surprised at some of the mean people that were throwing fits in the theatre. Life happens after all and we were all there in a nice cool building with people that we love what more can you really ask for at the end of the day. Oh wait a free movie and we got that out of it to=) Hope everyone is doing well and we love and miss you daddy.