Swimming this afternoon. Uncle Mike brought Gage and Jackson over and we had a pool full of something. It was a lot of fun till someone got splashed then it was a lot of crying. About the time you get them laughing again the splashing starts back up and then another one is exercising there lungs and abusing our ears. But it was still fun. Funny how fun changes once there are kids involved;)

We dropped Jacob off at grandmas house this morning it is his week to spend over there. He was very excited to go he did come back for the swim it seems he is very concerned that Zach will swim in the pool without him this week. Just me and Zach roming around the house this week. Zach is excited to have the place basically to himself. He also doesn't have to share his wii time now. We are still missing you dad and hope that you are having a good trip. We also hope that papa is having a fun time in San Diego this week.