We also started Sunday presents this year. When I was a kid we got a sunday present eery sunday. They were nothing expensive mostly dollar store things but it gave us something to look forward to every week and seemed to help with the waiting for Christmas. Zach was dissapointed that he didn't get a new wii game every week though so I am now rethinking Sunday presents. I thought it was fun.

We didn't make it up to temple square this year to see the lights there just didn't seem to be enough time. But Jacob's class went and saw the Ballet west nutcracker and then all of the first grade classes put on an abridged version of it. It was the night after my surgery so I didn't make it but Craig was able to go along with Zach and they enjoyed it. We also got a copy of it that they Hale center theatre filmed and put together so I was able to see it from home. They did a very cute job. No pictures though. I think Craig forgot the camara. Hope that everyone had a great Christmas and have a Happy New year.
Oh and ps don't tell Craig that I let the kids stand on the couch to pose for the picture. They thought this was great fun and we did it all with out him noticing:)