Actually the boys have been pretty good this year. Aside from the occasional fights. But we have found that when they are limited on their electronic time that they get along better. Go figure. They are both anxiously awaiting Christmas break they think that they will be playing that wii from morning till night. Unfortunately that isn't the case. We will probably give them a little extra time though after all it is christmas.
We are getting ready to send Craig out of town for his last trip of the year. Then we will have him home for a few weeks straight. Yeah. We had wanted to have family pictures taken before christmas to go in the cards. It is looking less and less like either of those things are going to happen. I did get the coordinating sweaters bought. Does that count? We will definately have to get them taken right after the first of the year.
Zach is excited that the only christmas program he has at school is a singing thing with the whole school. He is also counting down the days until he is out for the rest of the year. He has just had strep throat and is still finishing up his medicine, but feeling good. We did finish the second book in the peter and the starcatchers series and have started the third. He has read the Lightning thief series on his own and is very excited for the first movie coming out in February.
Jacob is excited that his class is performing the Nutcracker he is a pennywhistle and happy that he doesn't have a speaking part. His teacher talked with them before the did parts and told them about stage fright and he is pretty sure that he already has it so he is happy to not speak. His class went and saw the Ballet West performance this week and he enjoyed it Craig is jealous since he has never seen it.
The boys are both looking forward to making gingerbread houses at grandmas this weekend. Jacob has asked everynight this week to go over and start but they have been in Tennessee all week.
The ornament at the top is Craig's from a few years ago. When I was a kid every year at christmas everyone got a new ornament and then when we moved out all of our ornaments were ours to take with. This insured that no one had an empty tree. We have continued the tradition in our family. In fact Grandma and Grandpa Schroder still give everyone (grandkids included) a new ornament every year. So the kids actually get two. The ones that we buy usually have something to do with a trip that we have taken throughout the year. This year however the boys both wanted Jazz ornaments. I couldn't get a good picture of them and will have to try again later. But the Jessica Rabbit ornament is Craig's.