We want to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving. This picture was actually taken a week and a half ago. We were on our way up to park city two saturdays ago. In the snow. It was very pretty. No snow today so far. Not sure if it is going to snow haven't seen the weather forecast yet. The kids had a fun week of celebration at school and are enjoying being home now.
Jacob's class studied the pilgrims all month everyday they had an activity following the pilgrims journey. It all ended on Tuesday when the parents showed up with food to share for the final feast. He learned a lot of new things and so did I. Unfortunately I walked out the door without my camera. I got some pictures with the iphone and while it has a lot of cool apps pictures are definately not a strong suit. They were so blurry I decided not to bother with sharing any. We did have fun though.
Craig and I went and saw Blind Side last night with friends. No kids how is that for lucky. The movie was very good at the top of my list for movies this year. Craig is trying to claim that it is a chick flick. But I say it was a sports movie. No matter what it was very good and that whole family was very amazing and very blessed.
I am grateful today for all of my many blessings. Most importantly though FAMILY. I have two great boys who make me proud to be their mother every day. I have a wonderful husband who makes me laugh everyday... and sometimes it is at him, but more often then not it is with him. I also have a great extended family. Parent's who love me and have always supported me and a brother and sisters who are always there also. I am truly blessed and very thankful for all of my blessings.
I am also very thankful to all of the many military members who have served and are still serving to protect mine and my families freedoms. I am also grateful to their families who sacrifice so much for all of us.
Hope that everyone has a great day today and that you are able to spend it with those who matter most.
Oh we also hope that you are able to see Santa Claus in the parade:)
Happy thanksgiving we love you all.