I thought that the houses were all great but what surprised me was the lack of yards.

This next one I took cause I thought that the boys would get a kick out of it.

This next house was owned by Anne Rice she never lived in it but did own it. Nicholas Cage also owned it after she sold it but then he lost it to the government when he got busted for tax evasion.

This next house was pretty cool.

I also liked the fence around the building.

This is the restaurant where Emeril got his start. We didn't get to eat here jackets were required and Craig hadn't taken one with. Maybe next time.

This next house was used in the Benjamin Button movie.

We also saw John Goodman's house but I didn't get a picture of it. The next two pictures are of Sandra Bullocks house that she bought. She just adopted a baby boy from the area and is going to raise him there.

This is a side view she actually had one of the larger yards there.

And lastly the house that Anne Rice lived in when she lived in New Orleans. When my parents took this tour years ago she was still living there and got out of her car onto the sidewalk right in front of them and they exchanged hellos. Don't know who lives there now.

We also got to see the home of the Mannings and where the president of the confederate states Jefferson Davis died but I didn't get pictures. This last picture was kind of funny. It was on the fence next to the end of a long driveway.