I have a couple of pictures of the caterpillars right before they went into their chrysalids. They were less then half of this size when we got them.

We had them for 8 days when the first two went into their chrysalids on the 9th day the other three followed.

One of the hardest parts was moving them to the top of the habitat. They shook like crazy and I was afraid that they were going to fall off of the paper that they were attached to but we managed to get it attached to the top of the habitat with no fatalities.

These were the best pictures that I could get of the chrysalids. I tried to take pictures through the side of the habitat but you can't even see through the mesh in the picture.

This last picture is a of their home. Today is day 9 for the first two and day 8 for the other 3. They are supposed to come out within 7-12 days so we are hoping this weekend.

Hope that everyone has a happy holiday weekend.