The sun is starting to come out. We are going to try and get the pool up and running this weekend. The kids are always asking for dipped stuff. Pretzels cookies or whatever they don't care as long as it is dipped in chocolate. It always sounds fun but it always turns out to be a ton of work. And I don't really enjoy it. My stuff never turns out the way that they do on all of the cute foodie blogs out there. As you can see by example A above and B below.

I covered shortbread cookies, animal crackers and mickey mouse pretzels (from our last disneyland trip). I did have grand ideas when I started I thought that I would put eyes on the crackers and make them all cute. But once I got started I just dumped them all in mixed them up and pulled them out by the handful and spread them out. The kids don't really care how they look I guess. They all taste the same right. It was fun anyway. Ok I am off work now and off to bed. Thanks for looking.