Here we are in Seattle this was taken in Kerry park this morning. This is the same location that they used for the scenes out of Frasiers windows. It was very sunny and pretty here today. We can't get over how green and lush everything is. And tons of flowers everywhere.
These were pictures of just some of the many flower stands in Pikes Place market. It was very fun reminded us a lot of the wharf in San Francisco but there were tons of flowers. Everywhere and they were in huge gorgeous bouquets and very inexpensive. The flowers were unbelievable.
We didn't get any pictures of them throwing fish in the famous pikes place fish place. But we did get a picture of it anyway. It was cool.
This picture was of Mark and I in west Seattle. He was wonderful enough to play tour guide for us for the day. We saw more then we would have otherwise and really enjoyed every minute of it. And last but not least is Craigs favorite....
The very first Starbucks also located in pikes market place.
Hope things are going well for everyone and boys we hope that you are remembering to behave for grandma and grandpa. We know that you are though you are both wonderful. We have a big day tomorrow driving into Forks for the day. Looks like it will be a sunny day so we shouldn't get bitten by anything bigger then possibly a spider. Talk to you soon we love you.