Yesterday we spent the day in Forks, Wa. Actually we spent a couple of hours there and the day travelling to and from. It was still a fun day and the drive there and back was absolutely beautiful. It was really amazing how pretty and green everything was. I am really loving all the vegetation around here. This is a picture I snapped of Craig while waiting for the ferry at six yesterday morning. he wasn't very happy at this point. We had a bit of a problem with the gps recognizing where we were when we left the hotel. When we couldn't get the right directions he told the female voice not so nicely what she could go do with herself and she responded no. This just made him madder and he repeated his statement and she just kept saying no back to him. It was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud it was pretty funny. Later yesterday afternoon I started laughing about it and so did he admitting that it wasn't funny to him at the time but that he can now see the humor in it. I still think that it was funny at the time;)

This next picture is a picture I took while we were driving across the floating bridge.

These were some of the scenic shots that we saw along the way isn't it pretty.

This is a picture of the Sherriffs office in town although I took it just past the sign that says Sherriffs office on it. We only drove down the main street in town so we missed the hospital with the sign for Dr. Cullens parking space.

Almost all of the stores had some sign up referring to a character. Bella shops here or something to that nature. Most of them also advertised having a selection of twilight merchandise as well. Some had a better selection than others. But most people visiting were going from store to store and hitting the twilight sections. We saw a lot of groups of moms and daughters a few other couples and a lot of groups of women in various ages.

After spending some time there I think that even Craig became a little Dazzled by Twilight... He at least let me take his picture. On the drive back we realized that we hadn't taken any with me in them so this picture of him is the closest that I have to proving that I was there. Since he wouldn't have made the trek if it hadn't been for me.

And sadly this last picture is about the closest we came to a vampire sighting it was just to sunny a day.

But then again maybe we should be greatful this way no one got bit. We are having a lot of fun here we miss and love you boys. See you tomorrow.