Then they each wanted to take a picture. This is the picture that Zach took.

And then the picture that Jacob took.

Several hours after they started filling it with water Jacob wanted to take a picture of how full it was getting. He took this picture and you really can't see much but the leaves but there was about 3 to 5 inches of water in the bottom.

On the way back in the house Jacob wanted to take a couple of pictures of things that he said he wouldn't want to forget when he was older. A rocket that they were firing off with Craig.

And the Jack head on the back end of my car. I think he likes to take pictures.

Of course he also loves to be in them so he ask me to take one of him also. I also asked Zach to be in this picture but he just did his usual and rolled his eyes and walked away.

Have a happy 4th everyone.