The boys were so excited to set the pool up today. Of course it is easy to forget how long it actually takes to have it up and running. They are always dissapointed to see how long it takes to fill with water. Here they are helping Craig set it up.

Then they each wanted to take a picture. This is the picture that Zach took.

And then the picture that Jacob took.

Several hours after they started filling it with water Jacob wanted to take a picture of how full it was getting. He took this picture and you really can't see much but the leaves but there was about 3 to 5 inches of water in the bottom.

On the way back in the house Jacob wanted to take a couple of pictures of things that he said he wouldn't want to forget when he was older. A rocket that they were firing off with Craig.

And the Jack head on the back end of my car. I think he likes to take pictures.

Of course he also loves to be in them so he ask me to take one of him also. I also asked Zach to be in this picture but he just did his usual and rolled his eyes and walked away.

Have a happy 4th everyone.