While we waited in line for the books Craig waited in line to get in the auditorium. Notice that he and Zach have the same excited look on their faces about waiting in line.

The boys sat on the floor and started reading while we were waiting to get in.

The discussions of what was going to happen got pretty intense as you can see.

Finally we got inside and we were lucky enough to get seats. Notice that Zach is still showing his excitement at waiting yet again.

This is just a picture of the stage before everything started.

They had characters from the books come out and sing and dance.

Shannon Hale (goose girl author) hosted again this year. The kids enjoy hearing her talk.

Brandon was arriving in the knapsack which was lost until it was found he spoke to everyone from the big screen.

The knapsack was finally found though and he was able to get out. Zach I think sometimes believes everything he sees on tv. He found it a little dissapointing that they hadn't rigged something so that you could actually see him getting out of the sack. Jacob of course bought it hook, line and sinker. Oh to be young again.

Shannon was found guilty of trying to take Brandon home for herself so that she could force him to right another book. As punishment she was sentenced to the the quiet box.

I would like to make one more note and that is that there was a Jack Sparrow (not so much) look alike who came out of the quiet box at one point in the evening. But sadly he was not the real thing and therefore a little bit of a big disapointment. Just kidding Craig.
The kids had a fun time and Zach is hoping that his next series will be a big enough hit that he will continue having launch parties. He is also wondering if Dave Barry does the same thing for the Peter and the Starcatchers series and if so if we can fly there to attend. I told him that with a little pixie dust anything is possible.