Hope that everyone has had a good Labor day weekend. We have had a great one just a fun weekend together as the family nothing major. Shoe shopping for the boys. We also saw the movie shorts it was kind of cute and they really enjoyed it. Craig has been off and we have enjoyed having him here with us. He fixed the leaky faucet in the boys bathtub. Dropped my gas tank and replaced the fuel pump I finally have my own car back. We've been working with just one since about a week before the kids got out of school. He has been gone so much that his was just sitting here and he also hasn't been home enough to get mine fixed but it is up and running again. yea!!! I am so greatful to him for his hard work and think that he is absolutely wonderful. I am really glad that he is so smart and able to do so much for us around the house and garage:) He also replaced the breaks on his and as you can see from the picture above last but not least he bathed the dog. Everyones favorite chore I know. He still has a couple of days off of work and we are just going to relax and enjoy the next couple he deserves a big break.
The boys wanted to include pictures of their new shoes.

Jacob's light up you can kind of tell in this picture.

Zach's are just plain old basketball shoes.