Not much is going on here just enjoying the kids summer break. Lots of time in the pool and probably way to much time on the wii. We have had to start enforcing a stricter limit of time. Jacob absolutely loves these aqua globes that they advertise on tv someone we knew was getting ready to move and getting rid of everything. This is what he wanted from the garage sale not really for the plant mostly for the globes. He asked to put a picture of it on the blog. Right now the plant is in his room but will have to be moved out in the living room within a day or two to make sure that it gets more light. Originally I thought that he just wanted the plant for the aqua globes that are in it (he loves aqua globes). But I think he really likes the plant to he also wanted it next to the mice cage to give the mice some shade. Kids are kind of funny. The plant is pretty cool though. Craig is back out of town this week he will actually be gone for three full weeks this time in Vegas. He left yesterday and we already miss him. We love you daddy.