But then you can't please everyone all of the time right. So everyone should just try and please mom all of the time. I have suggested it but this is the reaction that I get.

I do feel bad Craig has been gone so much this summer that we haven't taken the kids anywhere really fun. We never did make it back to Florida to use our annual passes to the water parks before they expired again. But at least we got our moneys worth out of them last summer.

We have still had a lot of fun this summer the weather has been nice and cool most of the summer so we have spent a lot of days at the park. It's been to cold around here to use the pool much but it's always nicer at the park when things are cooler. And we are very glad to have Craig back at home for a little bit. We have missed him a lot. Hope that everyone is enjoying the end of their summer. That you will have a great weekend and have the chance to spend some time with those that are most important in your life.