Poor Zach he and Jacob get along most of the time but when they don't Jacob still resorts to crying to try and get his own way. Partly my fault cause when he is sick I let him get away with it and we all try to keep him happy. And then when he is better we expect him not to do it. Now I am trying to break him of the habit. Just about the time we get him where we want him its another round of steroids and we start all over again. Next time I am going to try and not be that way hopefully it will work. It's hard but I know it is for his own good. This picture is an accurate view though of how Zach still looks at Jacob when he cries. It is kind of funny.

I think that this is a cute picture of a happier moment. Can't believe how little they once were. Jacob picked out both of these pictures although he couldn't figure out why Zach was looking at him funny in the top one. Go figure. They are both really good and Jacob is very loving and affectionate when he isn't having one of his moments and those are coming less and less as he gets older. His new favorite game is hug bug where Zach prefers slug bug. Jacob isn't so good at spotting a correct bug though but when he is giving you hugs who cares right? They are both a lot of fun and we have had a great weekend together so far. We aren't accomplishing as much as we had wanted to. Craig and the boys were going to spend the day yesterday working in the yard but we got side tracked playing with them and before we knew it the day was gone. But looking at these pictures I realize how quickly they will be grown enough that they will no longer want to play with their old mom and dad. And we will no longer remember that the yard went two weeks without being mowed we will just remember playing. I think I would rather play. Hope that everyone else is having a super great weekend and remembering to take a little time out to play with those who matter the most we love you all. Thanks for looking.