Typhoon Lagoon, this park was a lot of fun but it does seem to be geared a little more towards older people. We still had fun but Jacob spent most of the day crying. He didn't like most of the rides there. The kids are very limited anyway on what they are willing to go on but at this park it was even more limited. We convinced them to try the family raft ride, they really like the one at
Blizzard Beach. The very first thing that we did was run into a wall that had a waterfall shooting down from it and it was were he and I were sitting that we ran into it. The water completely ran over the top of us. He couldn't have gotten any wetter if he had gone under in the pool. But he doesn't like the stuff that gets his head wet so this really upset him. And that was just the start it wasn't a very long ride and didn't really go down hill. You just ran into different things that got you wet. Zach never got hit by any of them but it was always Jacob who got wet with one of the rest of us. He was screaming mad when we got off and sobbing, and the mean mother that I am I just laughed. We still had alot of fun though crying and all.