Here is our big family spider that greets you as you walk into our house. Jacob wanted to add a picture of him to the kids blog even though he says he doesn't look very friendly. He is pretty cool though you have to admit. It has been awhile since we posted so the kids have a few pictures that they wanted to add. We haven't been on any trips since the last one that we took in Aug with Aunt Jenn but we are still having fun around the house and in town.
ok here we are. We flew into longbeach last night hoping to fly to Orlando through Austin. But the flight filled up on us and we didn't make it on. Here we are at Longbeach having a fun adventure and waiting to go to Oakland. From there we are off to D.C. and then onto Orlando. Hopefully by morning we will be singing about what a small world it is after all. Yeah. Orlando here we come. Just remember life comes at you fast, but it is never boring. We love you all.
Here is the other stitch photo this one cracks me up. Our camara quit working on the trip and most of the pictures that we thought that we had taken we hadn't. When we got home it worked fine wondering if maybe it was the humidity. Most the pictures that we ended up with from this trip were what the photo pass people took. Had we known that the camara was going to bug out on us we would have had more pics done there. It also turned out to be fairly reasonable to purchase everything on a disc. It would have been an even better deal had we had more pics done, but we still got quite a few.
When we were in Florida we did the photo pass thing, it was really cool and now I wish that we had had more pictures done. This is one that we got back and the photographer had added stitch. The kids were pretty excited, Stitch is Zach's favorite character. I'm adding this picture for Jacob because everyday he pulls up their blog to listen to the music and look at the pictures. Zach had told me that he would take care of this and I would just monitor but turns out he was just interested in the music. Maybe when we travel he will have a little more interest in blogging. But in the mean time these pictures are for Jacob who loves to look at his blog.