I know I am only a couple of weeks late. We had a huge party though and I am just now sobering up enough to blog. Just kidding mom. As you can see one of my personal new years resolutions is to shock my mother daily. We have had a good new year so far but Zach has been really sick so we haven't gotten a whole lot done. Jacob helped me make some cake pops with my new cake pop maker and we love them a little to much. Craig has also taken to eating them at night once he is under the influence of his ambien and has no recollection of it in the morning. The boys think this is funny and have started wondering what they could trick him into eating. Beware!

These were some finished plates I didn't put them on sticks just in paper cups since we made a ton of them this is only a small amount of them. We also dipped them in white and red. We were trying to use up some left over christmas sprinkles. The light brown ones are butterscotch and they were a huge hit. The biggest problem though was dipping them with my dad being the amazing chocolatier that he is I guess I thought that I could just dip these babies and they would be amazing looking. I was wrong. I would like to say that Jacob dipped them but while he did help I think his looked better then mine. I will be working on my technique but in the meantime we like seconds.
We also helped celebrate Gage's 8th birthday.
Jacob has been very bored around the house with Zach sleeping. And so he has been going to very far lengths to entertain himself. He has pulled out all sorts of toys from the closet that they haven't had out in years. He spent one afternoon being Darth Vader. He wanted pictures to commemorate it so I snapped a bunch of pictures for him then when looking we noticed his eyes. Because of the flash you can see his face and eyes. I didn't take any without the flash so we decided this would be a good think since we should always be able to recognize who is wearing the mask:)
Zach is feeling much better and Jacob is so happy to have him up and about. He made it till 7 last night and we are hoping that within the next few days he will be back to his old sleeping habits. Although if I could convince Jacob to go to bed at 7 I would have more time on my hands in the evening to read..... hmm I will have to work on that one.
Hope everyone is having a happy new year.