This is my last disneyland post finally right? I am starting with a big thankyou to my wonderful husband who may not always be wild about spending every vacation doing what the kids want to do (which tends to be disney related) but still does. This year especially instead of going to washington d.c. or alaska we went to California and took the kids for our anniversary. We appreciate it. Also to thank him for my jewelry this year. Well I am always grateful for it but I still want to say thanks. I get jewelry for our anniversary every year and on the years that we have been in a disney park (world or land) I usually get something there. This is this years it's a Judith Jack ring and I absolutely love it thank you, thank you, thank you. I had a hard time getting a good picture of it and couldn't find one online to use but it falls into my hidden mickeys category. Thanks sweetie I love you!

One of Zach's favorite things to do is look for hidden mickey's he got his first edition of the hidden mickey's for his birthday in 2007 for christmas this year he got the new updated edition. And for those of you who haven't seen it there is a book out there that is all of the hidden mickeys in the disneyland park.
And yes there is also one for disneyworld.
He gets a lot of use out of these books whenever we are at one of the parks. Sometimes they aren't always that easy to find even with the book and they are even harder to get photos of.
This is an easy to spot hidden mickey on autopia.
The hidden mickey book claims that the backend of this bumble bee is a mickey I guess I kind of see it but it isn't as good as some of the others.
See the mickey under the trunk of the blue elephant.
Of course these aren't even mentioned in the hidden mickey books since they are on every lightpost. But they are still cute I wish I could get one for our front yard.
Can't forget all of the plants.