Well today is the last day on the wii for the boys. They are a little dissapointed. But tomorrow is church and dinner at Grandmas so there won't be a hole lot of time to play. So back to business as usual.

Jumba is feeling much better however Jacob has been babying him. This might sound like a good thing however he forgets to wash his hands everytime that he touches him and so he is having allergy issues.

These pictures were taken after the benadryl was starting to wear off so the hives are starting to come back pretty hard. But they are still no where near as bad as they were this morning. The ones on his face pick up the best for the camera.

He isn't allergic to the dog but is to just about everything that the dog gets into outside. His asthma flared up a little but we've got that under control and hopefully by tomorrow the hives will be gone. He says he feels pretty good just a little itchy. Lucky for Zach he isn't affected.
Oh and did you notice their new bean bag chairs that they got for christmas. We bought them and then they were to big to hide anywhere. They were put back in my scrapbook room I tried to keep the door closed to keep them from seeing them but caught both of them back there looking for things at different times. The one time Zach had actually moved one out of the way to get to a basket of scissors underneath them. He didn't even seem to notice them. On Christmas morning though when they got them he put two and two together.