For those of you who don't know Jacob is totally obsessed with stuffed animals. He carries them everywhere. Every room in our house has at least five or six of them or more at any given time. We are constantly threatening to throw them away if they aren't picked up. When we were in Florida in Aug he found this little penguin (pictured) at the contemporary hotel gift shop he insisted on buying him with his money that he took. Usually he buys mostly plutos (we have so many different stuffed plutos) but this time he wanted this little penguin. When we got him back to the hotel we discovered that he is a virtual pet for online. The kids have had so much fun playing with him online and the penguin is now a favorite stuffed animal he is always included even though the others do change around from time to time. When Craig was in Vegas last month one of his accounts sold webkinz so he got Zach the bullfrog which was the pet of the month at the time and Jacob the Bat which comes out only at halloween. I must admit that at first I wasn't excited when I realized that it was an online thing but the kids actually get along when they are on it and there isn't a whole lot of fighting over it. The games are easy enough that Jacob can play and even when you can't complete the game you still earn money that you need to take care of the pet so Zach doesn't get frustrated like he normally does when he can't pass a game. It is a fun sight and the kids really enjoy it I also don't have to worry about where they are when they are on it. It is a little young for Zach but he does have fun helping Jacob with it so it all works out. Besides that with Zach a computer game is still a game.